Have you ever had a colleague blatantly promote your ideas as their ideas and present them while you sat there and watched? It’s creepy. It’s weird. It’s frustrating.

Have you ever worked hard to obtained well recognized credentials that would support you as you invested years in creating leadership development programs, fine tuning workshops and working diligently to build a strong client base?

I had this experience recently. I am sharing my experience and my tips on how I plan to recover and rally today.

We always have a choice: Either

a. Feel victimized, get angry and blame. Poor choice. At least for me, as I would be completely not aligned with my values and I would be draining my precious energy and creativity.


b. Breathe, protect my energy and creativity and maintain my integrity.

Here is an exercise that may help you in a similar situation…

This morning, I practiced a reframing my mindset exercise I sometimes do with my clients. I call it my:

“Wishing All the Best for You”

  1. Deep breath and visualize the person at their best
  2. Ask yourself, “How will my words and actions help this person?”
  3. Choose to pray for them; they need prayers, empathy and compassion
  4. Exhale and send them a “Wishing All The Best for You” message.  
  5. Move on and continue to demonstrate excellence

I hope, if you have a similar experience, you might consider expanding the space between a similar experience and choose a kind, loving heart response…hopefully in that space you will consider curiosity, compassion and empathy.